How can you get rid of those hard little spots that occur on the bottom, or “plantar” area of the foot? Your doctor may offer a number of choices. Chemical removal involves a series of treatments with caustic agents to destroy warts. In surgical curretage, a small scoop, or “currette” separates the wart from the foot, often followed by cauterization to discourage regrowth. In addition to traditional surgery (removal by incision, closure with stitches), laser surgery uses high-frequency laser light to destroy wart cells by vaporizing their moisture; cryosurgery calls for a liquid nitrogen and carbon dioxide to destroy the tissue. Surgical galvanism, or electrolysis uses electrical current for wart removal.
Warts! Nobody wants them and, luckily, they are usually not that hard to get rid of. But, as an infection caused by a virus, warts almost never go away on their own, and you would be smart to have your podiatrist get rid of yours once you discover one on your feet. We can deal with all kinds of foot and ankle problems including warts, bunions, sports injuries, circulation disorders, skin conditions and more. Could your feet benefit from professional care? Call us at Family Foot and Ankle Care for all your foot and ankle needs.
Dr. Marc Fink
P.S.Although plantar warts are most common on the bottom of the feet, they can also appear on the top and sides of the feet.